Streamlined Global Logistics Solutions

Rely on us for comprehensive and streamlined logistics solutions that include global transport, secure warehousing, efficient freight forwarding, and expert customs assistance. We offer a global approach to streamline your supply chain operations. Reach out to Lossie Logistics today to experience true efficiency in logistics.

Transport Services

Deliveries / Courier Service: Our reliable delivery and courier services ensure your shipments reach their domestic or international destinations quickly and securely.

Domestic Inland Transport: Need to move cargo within the U.K.? We provide efficient and reliable domestic transportation solutions.

Imports & Customs

Imports & Courier Traffic: We facilitate the smooth import of goods from anywhere in the world, including customs clearance and delivery to your desired location.

Customs Clearance: Navigating customs can be complex. Our experienced team handles all the customs paperwork for a smooth and efficient import process.

International & Domestic Freight Forwarding

International & Domestic Freight Forwarding: We handle the movement of your cargo by air, sea, or land, taking care of all the paperwork and logistics involved.

Warehousing & Storage

Our secure and well-maintained warehouses offer a variety of storage options to meet your specific needs.

Get Streamlined Global Logistics Services for Your Business.

Contact Lossie Logistics for efficient and reliable logistics services.

Lossie Logistics

36 School Field, Clayton Brook, Preston, PR5 8BJ

Phone:07487 687218

© 2024 Lossie Logistics